Digital supplements available now
As part of our work on The GameDev Business Handbook, we realized that our budgeting lesson needed to be interactive. Static samples and templates don’t do enough to help the concepts sink in.
Instead, we decided to create living supplements that can grow and change as the industry evolves. These are presented for public use, supported by those who have purchased The GameDev Business Handbook.
You can access the budget samples, budget templates, and digital appendices here. The first two appendices are guides for understanding the budget samples and creating your own budget using the templates.
While these documents can be used as-is, the concepts of budgeting are explored in-depth in The GameDev Business Handbook. You’ll find references to different sections of the book throughout the appendices.
We hope you will find these useful. Please, do share them with colleagues. Create your own copy, download, email to other developers. Professors, please do use these in your classrooms—with proper attribution, of course ;).
These are free for your use, though still under copyright. We ask that you not republish the document on your own site, especially since we will update and maintain these.
Our mission is to continue providing high-quality, accessible instruction for developers. You can learn more and support future supplements at
We would be most appreciative if you would leave the references to the supplement page at the top of each form. This will insure that those who receive the budget samples later can find the instructions for use.
We anticipate that as people use these samples and templates, new learnings will emerge.
This is a long-term project of The GameDev Business Handbook team. We hope to update these over time and make them as accessible to provide maximum understanding for those starting out.
If you’d like to send us samples of your budgets where you’ve added features you’d think would be helpful to others, please send them to If we incorporate it into a future update, we’ll be sure to credit you if requested on the update.